2004 Lansing Sailing Club Awards Banquet

About forty members and guests showed up at the Brookshire Inn in Williamston for the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet. Stacy Kotecki had taken charge of the event - and what a job she did organizing it. Tables decorated in festive colors added pizzaz, and clean plates attested to the quality of banquet offerings.

Alanna Harvey, Sunfish Fleet Captain, was joined by daughter Laura and Laura's Fiance. John Fishbeck was recognized as Fleet Champion. Jim Fletcher was 2nd, Gil Chesbro 3rd, Neil Harrison 4th, Dave Vietti 5th, Dennis Dudley 6th and Susanna Tellschow 7th.   Susanna Tellschow was recognized as the most improved sailor during 2004 in Sunfish Fleet sailing. The award is given to the person with the biggest difference in score from the first half of the season to the second half.

Fleet Captain Pat Dolan presented the Laser awards along with a pictures and stats PowerPoint Show. Mike Moody was 1st by four points over Doug Carlson. Olav Messerschmidt took 3rd place while George Siegle was 4th. Pat Dolan was 5th, Blaine Severin 6th, Bob Miller 7th and Dave MacKenzie 8th. There were great door prizes - thanks to Dave MacKenzie. Here Doug Crawford draws a ticket for the next winner as mom Margaret looks on.

Lisa Winters, the 2003 co-winner of the Rookie Crew of the Year award, was on hand to join in the festivities. During the Annual Meeting portion of the evening, Lisa was elected to serve as an At-Large Member of the Board of Directors. Lisa was a regular crew member on "Moody's Booty".   Merrick Hurlbutt with regular crew members Scott Watkins and Adrianne Tuttle participated in the festivities. As last year's recipient of the Flying Wedge Award, Merrick gave the trophy to himself for being the skipper of a port boat that had contact with a boat on starboard.

Jim Fletcher had the honor of presenting the Jon C. Stoval Particularly Peculiar Award. Entertaining the group with a slate of nominees, Jim finished by taking a vote to see who most merited the award this year. The group favored Larry Koster for special crew work involving the launching of "Bananas" at the Michigan District Lightning Championship which saw the lifting bridle give way. Also, for his insistence on a hiking strap being installed in the boat which Jim Fletcher saw Larry trip over four times and use not at all. Doug Crawford was presented with the Junior Sailing Award. Doug was a student in the Junior Sailing Class held last June - and then began racing a borrowed Optimist in August. Doug has a great sailing future ahead of him.

Mike Moody was runner up in the Lightning Fleet. Joining Mike on the dias to be recognized were "Moody's Booty" regulars Lisa Winters and Ken Knight. Blaine Severin was in attendance with crew members Julie Pierce and Tom Deits to receive the third place award. Neil Harrison took home the fourth place award with crew members Alanna Harvey and John Quensen.   Lightning Fleet Captain Geoge Siegle awarded the season championship trophy to Pat Dolan.

The "Wind Dancer" team: Gil Chesbro, Stacy Kotecki, Pat Dolan, Susanna Tellschow and Bob Miller (left to right). They won both the Season Championship in the Lightning Fleet and the Half Season Championship. To cap off the evening, Doug Carlson was chosen to receive the "Ron Wilson Award", recognizing a club member that most demonstrates the club dedication, active racing participation and enthusiasm for sailing exemplified by the late club member Ron Wilson.